What We Do
Integrating human, animal and environmental health
- Public Health
- Fish and Wildlife Health
- Risk Assessment
- Outbreak Investigations
- Health Intelligence (Surveillance)
- Policy Evaluation
- Research Planning
- Education
- Decision Making
Through competitive grants or fee-for-service contracts, the CCH conducts independent academic research primarily in the areas of public health and fish and wildlife health.
Risk Assessments:
CCH members are involved in assessing risks to the health of people, animals and environments and in developing integrated risk management plans.
Outbreak Investigations:
The CCH can provide consulting on the design and analysis of disease outbreak investigations as well as independently investigate disease problems.
Health Intelligence:
The CCH can gather an array of information to develop a coherent understanding of complex health issues. This includes the development of surveillance programs.
Policy Evaluation:
Our network of expertise can review the health, ecological, social and economic implications of health and environmental management policies.
Research Planning:
The Centre is frequently called upon by governments, health organizations, industry and universities to develop, help to plan, implement and evaluate research projects.
The CCH designs and offers educational programs and opportunities for professionals, graduate and under-graduate students, government organizations and the public on issues associated with human, animal and environmental health interactions.
Decision Making:
The Centre for Coastal Health facilitates decision making for clients that need answers to complex problems. We are experienced in several methodologies for assisting groups of people frame their problem; identify goals, objectives and criteria which distinguish what would make a good or bad decision to solve the problem. We have worked with clients internationally and domestically to develop policy and strategic plans.