Anderson K, Wade J, Stephen C. Use of “Doctor Fish” in Personal Service Pedicure Facilities. Prepared for VIHA. May 2011.Fraser E, Fraser S. A review of potential health hazards to humans and livestock from Canada Geese (Branta canadensis) and Cackling Geese (Branta hutchinsii). Prepared for The Canadian Wildlife Service. 15 February 2010
Mancell J, Stitt T. Potential for Oil and Gas Toxicology on Woodland Caribou in Northeastern British Columbia. Prepared for Dr Helen Schwantje, BCMOE. 13 November 2010. |
Ribble C, Iwasawa I, Stitt T. Phase 1 of the Fraser Valley Livestock Movement Snapshot Project. Prepared for the British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture and Lands. November 2010.Ribble C, Iwasawa I, Stitt T. Phase 2 of the Fraser Valley Livestock Movement Snapshot Project. Prepared for the British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture and Lands. 24 March 2011.
Ribble C, Stitt T, Iwasawa S. Specialty Bird Biosecurity Project Analysis of Preliminary Data Report. 15 June 2011.
Stephen C. 2011. Federal Government Role in One health: Wildlife Issues. Public Health Agency of Canada. |
Stephen C, Stitt T, Dawson J, McCarthy A. 2011. Assessment of the potential effects of diseases present in salmonid enhancement facilities on Fraser River sockeye salmon. Report to the Cohen Commission of Inquiry into the Decline of Sockeye Salmon in the Fraser River. July 2011.Stitt T. 2011. Animal Determinants of Emerging Disease (ADED) National Teleconference Rounds: Year End Report. 17 June 2011.
Stitt T, Parmley J, Anholt M, Stephen C. Analysis and Description of Wildlife Health and Disease Data Captured by the CCWHC. Prepared for the CCWHC. March 2011. |
Ribble C, Stitt T. Specialty Bird Biosecurity Consultation: On-farm assessment, education and mitigation tool. 18 September 2010.Ribble C, Stitt T, Stephan C. Alberta Farm Animal Care (AFAC) On Call Veterinarian (OCV) Program Evaluation. Prepared for Alberta Farm Animal Care. 14 July 2010.
Ribble C, Iwasawa S. 2010. Plan for Describing and Monitoring Animal Movements in the Fraser Valley: Dairy Cattle, Beef Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Bison, Swine, and Specialty Birds. Prepared for the BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands.
Ribble C, Iwasawa S, Stitt T, Stephen C. Report on the British Columbia Foot-and-Mouth Disease Invitational Forum and Workshop. Prepared for the Investment Agriculture Foundation of British Columbia. 2010. |
Stitt, T. 2010. Animal Determinants of Emerging Disease (ADED) National Teleconference Rounds: Year End Report. 20 April 2010.Pollock S, Stitt T, Stephan C. First Nations Health Care Systems: Physician and frontline health care practitioner knowledge of parasitic disease. 26 March 2010.
Ribble C, Stitt T, Iwasawa S, Toews L, Stephen C. A review of alternative practices to antimicrobial use for disease
control in the commercial feedlot.
Prepared for the National Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases. 8 March 2010.
Stephen C. 2009. Global Health Research Initiative. 2009 Teasdale-Corti Meeting Report. Cario. |
Hammel L, Stephen C, Bricknell I, Evensen O. 2009 “Salmon Aquaculture Dialogue Working Group Report on Salmon Disease” commissioned by the Salmon Aquaculture Dialogue, World Wildlife Fund. Available here.Stephen C, Stitt T, Dawson-Coates J. Pathogen/Parasite Study between Water Basins: Risk Assessment Expectations and Options for Prospective Fish Health Studies. 10 December 2009.
Stephen C, Stitt T. Economic Considerations of the “One World One Health” Approach for the Public Health Agency of Canada. Notes in Support of a Presentation to Senior Management. 16 November 2009. |
Environmental & Public Health
A review of alternative practices to antimicrobial use for disease control in the commercial feedlot. Ribble, C.S., Stitt, T., Iwasawa, S., Toews, L., Stephen, C. (2010). Prepared for the National Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases.
Report on the British Columbia foot-and-mouth disease invitational forum and workshop. Ribble, C.S., Iwasawa, S., Stitt, T., Stephen, C. (2010). Prepared for the Investment Agriculture Foundation of British Columbia.
Summary: The ‘British Columbia Foot-and-Mouth Disease Invitational Forum and Workshop’ was held in Abbotsford, B.C. on October 27 and 28, 2009. The purpose of the event was to be a consultation on how to best prepare BC for a foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) outbreak. The Investment Agriculture Foundation of British Columbia, the Government of Canada, and the Province of British Columbia provided support for the event. Over 80 invited attendees represented federal and provincial government agencies, industry, and local organizations. A common perspective was that BC has an excellent set of plans in place for such an event. However, gaps clearly exist, and more preparation and planning are necessary. Priorities included continuing to test and improve existing FMD control plans; increasing surveillance to reduce the risk of disease entry into the province; improving education about the disease to encourage early detection and reporting; mapping animal movement patterns to better understand control points; and, supporting networking, awareness, and relationships amongst all stakeholders. Key BC planning personnel emphasized the need for governments, industry, and local organizations to work together to find the time and funding needed to implement the priorities identified at the workshop.
Obstacles to developing a multinational report card on antimicrobial resistance for Canada. Stephen, C., Parmley, J., Dawson-Coates, J., Fraser, E.,Conly, J. (2007). Prepared for the Canadian Committee on Antimicrobial Resistance.
Approach: The objective of this report was to determine if a multinational report card on antimicrobial resistance that included Canada could be created. To address this objective we; (i) reviewed some of the principles and requirements for writing a comparative report card; (ii) sought existing multinational programs that could be adopted as a report card; (iii) identified Canadian programs on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance, drug use and infection control that could provide national data; and (iv) compared Canadian national programs with national programs from other countries to identify obstacles and opportunities for intra-country comparisons and to develop recommendations for improvements in Canada’s ability to develop a comprehensive national picture of antimicrobial resistance. In order to evaluate each program and make valid comparisons among the identified programs, we attempted to identify and critically assess the methodologies described.
Population Health of Fish & WildlifeSalmon aquaculture dialogue working group report on salmon disease. Hammel, L., Stephen, C., Bricknell, I., O. Evensen. (2009) Commissioned by the Salmon Aquaculture Dialogue, World Wildlife Fund. Available (click on ‘Disease report’) at
British Columbia chronic wasting disease risk assessment . Parmley, J., Himsworth, C., & Borden, L. (2008). Prepared for BC Ministry of Environment.
A systematic review of Michigan’s policy for CWD prevention, detection and control. Ducrocq, J., Dawson-Coates, J., Parmley, J., Stephen, C. (2007). Prepared for the Michigan Department of Natural Resources
Cervid industry market access report: chronic wasting disease risks associated with the export of velvet from Canadian cervids. Ducrocq, J., Tataryn, J., Dawson-Coates, J., Parmley, J., McClaws, M.,Stephen, C. (2007). Report to the Canadian Cervid Association.
An assessment of the risk of introducing the organism associated with Johne’s Disease (Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis) to new areas in Alaska as a result of translocating wood bison (Bison bison athabascae) from Elk Island National Park. Parmley, J., Ducrocq, J., Stephen, C. (2007). Prepared for the Wood Bison Recovery Team.
Pathogen risks associated with the diversion of water from Devil’s Lake into the Red River drainage. Stephen, C., Dawson-Coates, J., DiCicco, E. (2007). Report to the International Joint Commission.
A risk assessment for the importation of live Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) from Guernsey into British Columbia. Parmley, J., Stephen, C., Fraser, E. (2006). Prepared for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
Emerging DiseasesSystematic review of surveillance systems for emerging zoonotic diseases. Vrbova, L., Stephen, C., Kasman, N., Boehnke, R., Doyle-Waters, M., Gibson, B., Chablitt-Clark, A., Brauer, M.,Fitzgerald, M., Patrick, D. (2007). Report to the National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health. |